Primarily, my appreciation of the past 2015 would extend to all Puntland journalists for their enthusiasm and great contribution who served their time, financial and energy to turn on the good pages of this nation, I’m sure the history will define your sacrifices for this country, you have risked your live and many of you have been assassinated, perhaps the constitution my have not perfectly described your full protection but in a time the justice will land and in 2016 your braveness and contribution should boost double.
My journalist of the year
Puntlan Post journalist , Puntlandtoday founder ,Fair and optimistic journalist, excellent photographer with cheerful and smiling face always’’ Ali Du’ale ‘’ has lived and grew up in a country with anarchy, civil wars , political deadlocks and terrorists which might of course put him on potential risk that could take his live away but with all that hard times Mr Du’ale take his cameras voluntarily to show the world that Puntland is better greenish and peaceful place to be lived in.
For me I was never introduced Ali Du’ale except I have been eyeing on Social media but I was inspired by his kind assistance for Sowdo Abdi of putting her on cameras which she has never found someone who publicize her for help, his high profile photographing during his tour in Puntland lines to show the world that Puntland is beautiful and peaceful enough place to be lived, from Puntland in the light of most recent events videoed by Du’ale will lead to open new thousand opportunities to invest the Puntland territories, Ali sacrificed his time to show us the right images of our home.
Genuinely. I called him ‘’my journalist of year’’ not because of he took cameras and made shots on beautiful places but his progressive, nationalistic and good personification is why I intended to call him ‘’the best’’ and by far Somalia would never forget people like him that made it temporarily valid, ‘Ali’ before now was praised a honor certificate by the MoW and Human right representative in Puntland sure he deserves more than that, collectively we need to inspire journalist like him.
Ahmed Suleiman is national security officer, master of international security study, CEO and Founder of Puntland Centre For policy analysis.
Ahmed Suleiman’’Diinari’’
Twitter @diinaari
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