Handicap International (HI) is an independent and impartial aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
The Handicap International Federation works in more than 60 countries in Central and
East Asia, South and South-East Asia, Indian Ocean, Africa, North Africa and Middle-
East, Central and South America.
Given the collapse of the health system, no structure was available to provide the support that People with disabilities needed. In the Somali refugee camps located in Ethiopia, HI had trained a team of rehabilitation workers on basic physiotherapy and orthopedic skills. In 1992, most of the team members resettled in Hargeisa to continue to work for disabled people. HI also opened an office in Hargeisa and in 2007 in Puntland. Since then, HI has been implementing various projects in both regions Somaliland/Puntland including Victim Assistance, Mine Risk Education, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS.
HI has been implementing activities aimed at promoting the participation of Somalis
disabilities in Human rights and democracy. There are successful stories, achievements and progress made by the recently ended European Union funded Human Rights project including the adoption of the National Disability Policy in Somaliland, the establishment of a disability network in Puntland, the capacity building of 30 DPOs and 2 Networks of
DPOs (Somaliland and Puntland) and the creation of Disability Focal Points in
government institutions in both regions.
Additionally, best practices and inclusive models have been documented into booklets and will be used in enhancing the socio-economic, political and cultural participation of people with disabilities.
Therefore, to maintain the positive impact of the previous human rights project and to
still continue enhencing and protecting the rights of people with disabilities in Puntland;
Handicap international in partnership with Puntland Disability Organizations Network
(PDON) a national, non-political, non-governmental organization (NGO), representative of Disabled People Organizations (DPOs) is implementing human rights project entitled
“Enhance protection and reduce violations of human rights of persons with
disabilities and developing local capacities for response and legal frameworks for
equal rights with a focus on children and women in Somalia”, funded by the German
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The overall objectives of this project is to nourish the recognition and enjoyment of political and socio-economic human rights of persons with disabilities, with a focus on children and women in Puntland and Somaliland. The project will support at least 30 local rights defenders
and governance stakeholders to address the dire rights situation of persons with
disabilities in Somaliland and Puntland, through capacity building, mentoring and
experience sharing. It will contribute to address and enhance the recognition of equal
entitlements to political and socio-economic rights and protection for people with
disabilities among duty bearers as well as rights holders.
HI seeks to engage a Consultant to draft Puntland disability policy in an evidence based and participatory process.
Target Area
The data collection will be limited to Garowe, there will be no need to travel to other
regions of Puntland.
Data collection methodology
Methodologies like desk study, key informant interviews and institutional survey, and
consultative meetings may be used for the data collection. The consultant will have to
identify the best methodology to be used to gather necessary information.
The consultant is expected to:
- Look at the target areas and methodologies suggested in the above section (see
methodology section) and determine their appropriateness and make recommendations.
- Design data collection methodology and develop appropriate data collection tools.
- Recommend which organizations and/or institutions the information should be
collected from.
- Supervise the data collection process to make sure that required information is
- Design data input templates; supervise data entry, data cleaning and data quality.
- Data collection analysis
- Make desk study and draft the disability policy
- Facilitate the two days consultative meeting with stakeholders and incorporate
their ideas in the drafted policy.
- Facilitate two days review meeting on the drafted policy with stakeholders.
- Finalize the policy and hand over it to HI.
- Help PDON (the disability Network) to present the final version of the disability
policy to the line ministries through one day workshop.
- Write a final report about the consultancy work
Key Deliverables
- Consultant methodology and work plan
- Copy of the data collection tool used
- A soft and hard copy of the final version of the disability policy validated by theStakeholders- Final report of the consultancy
The consultancy assignment will be provided in Garowe- Puntland and will commenceon 25th December, 2013, and will be limited to 45 days and therefore will end on 10th
February 2014.
Within the framework of the service provision, the Consultant will be asked to
collaborate with HI’s teams and in particular with the Project Manager – Human Rightsproject who will be the point of contact.
The Consultant should meet the following minimum requirements:
- Academic background in Social Sciences with a minimum of Masters Degree or
higher qualification in Governance, development studies, or political science.
- Experience in conducting baseline surveys and developing legal frameworks.
- Experience in using a range of qualitative and quantitative data collection and
analysis methods
- Background knowledge on disability will be appreciated.
- Strong analytical and report writing skills
- Proficiency in use of computers, especially MS Office packages / statistical
Cost of service provision: USD 3000
HI will pay other relevant bills of the disability policy drafting process (data collection, data
entry, data process and printing, consultative and review meetings with stakeholders).
A Consulting firm that meets these requirements and is available within the time period
indicated should submit the following:
- A brief summary of the firm and at least 1 Main Consultant who will undertake
this assignment, including a commitment to be available to undertake the entire
assignment within the stated timelines.
- Elaborated methodology and detailed work plan indicating number of days, tasks
and deadline for each task – not exceeding 5 pages.
- Curriculum vitae of the Main Consultant proposed for the assignment. Their
relevant qualifications, skills and experience as well as full contact details of two
Send electronic copies of the proposal to reach Handicap International office on or before
16th December 2013 by email to: recruit02@handicapinternational-som.org
Handicap International will evaluate the proposals based on the technical and financial feasibility.
However, technical feasibility shall serve as the main guideline for screening the proposals.
N/B. Handicap International reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without
giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.