The administration of Jubbaland State of Somalia and its leaders regret the unsolicited causalities and painful displacement brought upon our peace loving citizens. This latest loss that befell on the weekend of June 28-30, 2013, would certainly compound the already gigantic human and material challenges the region is facing. Had it not been the handiwork of criminal
and spoilers of peace, the loss of life and material wealth could have been avoided.
Read PDF File: Jubbaland Statement on recent conflict in Kismayo
It is to be recalled that the administration in Mogadishu has been sending hordes of conflict instigator and spoilers to Kismayo for the past three months. These individuals whose names are listed below for the world to know must be brought to a court of law to answer to those families who lost their loved ones, and to the administration of Jubbaland State of Somalia who worked hard, in collaboration with AMISOM Forces to bring peace and stability to the region by defeating the terrorist group of Al-Shabab.
Despite the IGAD Summit communique of the 22nd Extra-ordinary session on the situation in Somalia and that of UN Press Statement on June 13, 2013 which says “All parties to refrain from any action which may threaten peace and stability in the Juba regions”; Mogadishu is still irritating the Jubbaland Administration to generate anxiety and clashes among the clans. Mogadishu has organized the former warlords namely; Warlord Barre Adan Shire (Hirale), Col. Abass Ibrahim Gurey, Abdi Balley Hussein, Iftin Hassan Basto, Omar Burale Ali, with the support from Al-Shabaab igniting war in Kismayo and massacring the innocent citizens. SFG and its agents must be held accountable by massacring innocent people of Jubbaland.
Jubaland administration has repeatedly appealed IGAD, UN and other peace loving International Communities to exert pressure SFG refrain from their evil efforts of creating disloyalty in the Jubaland community and unfortunately, SFG is still planning to organize more conflict in Jubbaland State of Somalia.
International Community shouldn’t be passive observer, who perceives events that is taking place in Kismayo as an isolated accident. It has a potential spillover and catastrophic negative humanitarian consequences. We appeal for International Community an urgent humanitarian intervention to Jubbaland as more innocent civilian people have wounded on recent Kismayo conflict.
The people of Jubbaland through their traditional and political leaders, has established their Regional Federal State in accordance with the Provisional Federal constitution of Somalia with the intention of building stability, law and order in the regions after the 23 years of instability in Somalia.
We therefore, urge the International community and IGAD to act that the Mogadishu exertion in Kismayo to banish Jubbaland people’s constitutional choice, source hostility and animosity among the reconciled clans, who have initiated and fully participated the formation of the regional state.
Abdinasser Serar